
Facebook Will Divide Money

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Facebook, the biggest social networking site today, is facing a class action lawsuit of its users.

As reported by Mashable, Monday (01/28/2013), a number of Facebook account holders claiming that the social networking site had no permission to use their photos for advertising purposes.

Facebook also has admitted their mistake and be prepared to pay the money "peace" of 20 million U.S. dollars will be distributed equally among the plaintiffs.

To inform this issue, Facebook has been sending out e-mails to multiple users with the address "legalnotice@facebookmail.com".

To get the part, users who feel aggrieved by the misuse of this photo can register his complaint through www.fraleyfacebooksettlement.com.

However, there is a bad news for those who intend to proceed. If the number of people who signed up beyond capacity, Facebook will give the fine money to the prosecutor, but to organizations with non-profit organizations.

"If the number of claims made unfeasible to pay in a timely and valid to those who make a claim, then the payment will be transferred to a non-profit organization that is on the site completion (settlement) www.fraleyfacebooksettlement.com," wrote Facebook.

In the settlement site, Facebook write a non-profit organization in question is "incorporated into education that teaches adults and kids to use social media technology to safely, or incorporated into social media research, with a focus on critical thinking around advertising and commercialization, and in particular to protect the interests of children.

source : kompas.com

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January 28, 2013

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