
Mom Catch Her Stepfather abused at Home TV

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Thunderstruck that perceived mothers initials IA (27) who saw the incident. That night the mother of three children to see his second daughter was sexually abused by the army, who was none other than her second husband.

The wicked stepfather was caught while committing indecent to ZD, his stepson in front of the television. When it happened the evening, the mother was about to wake up from sleep due to the bathroom.

When the mother saw her husband being alone with ZD. IA has seen her son's hand (ZD) asked to hold the genitals of her husband.

"According to the mother, this incident actually happened a year. Fact the child was raped by her stepfather," said Chairman of the National Commission for Child Protection (Komnas PA) Arist Merdeka Sirait, Jalan TB Simatupang, East Jakarta, Thursday (7 / 2).

According to Arist, after reporting to the Komnas PA, he was then escorted the case to the police. This is because the mother had been reluctant to extend the rapes and sexual abuse to the authorities.

"That she does not want, but eventually want to make a report to the police station in East Jakarta., And we will continue to guard this case," he explained.

The perpetrators were none other than the victim's stepfather has not been arrested by the police. Actors who worked at a bank that also had to confess.

"He said he'd admit that's why we arrested him immediately," said Arist.

sumber : http://www.merdeka.com/peristiwa/ibu-pergoki-anaknya-dicabuli-ayah-tiri-di-depan-tv.html

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February 08, 2013

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