
6 Selection of Unique Queen Existing in the World

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Seemingly universal beauty pageant is not the only measure of comely for many people. Instead there are several similar electoral contests but the participants are not uncommon even far from eye-catching.

This selection has some special categories of captivating with specific requirements as well. There is a beauty contest of pregnant women, women of plastic surgery, beauty pageant tradition to the Navajo Indian tribe that requires participants able to slaughter a sheep to clean with a specific assessment to be the winner.

Reporting from oddee.com site, the most bizarre some universal beauty contest. Here's his review.

1. Queen of Landmines

Dozens of landmines planted in Angola when the bloody civil war of the 1990s. Most heavily affected by the explosion of women are looking for firewood or gardening. Norway's Morten Traavik celebrity inspired to create a special event pageant landmine victims (Miss Landmines).
Approximately 10 finalists will be the queen of landmines mutilated women with the most beautiful legs as Angola. Prize prosthesis made ​​similar to the original.

2. Pregnant Queen

Just as waistline and abdomen grow a few inches does not mean women do not look sexy. In the United States they are sexy not only dominate the beauty pageant, but also pregnant women.

The event is held since 1996 and involves dozens of pregnant women sexy. Demonstrate not only the best maternity clothes, they also show ability in the talent night, and of course, the bikini photo session.

3. Plastic Surgery Beauty Queen

After many Chinese delegation prohibited universal beauty contest because many of them acquire beauty through plastic surgery. This event triggers a group of people to make the event a rival beauty queen of plastic surgery.

Their participants aged 18-62 years. All participants, including one of which must include a certificate of transsexual doctor that they had undergone plastic surgery.

The competition which is held only once in 2004 and have never made ​​again.

4. Navajo Indian Bbeauty Queen

Indian beauty queen from the Navajo tribe a special event held every year they bleed original Naajo and mix. The most interesting thing that shows the traditional skills of sheep slaughtering.

Not indiscriminate slaughter expertise hereditary Navajo woman is judged on neatness and efficiency chunks of time. All must be presented to the net. Because of Navajo womanhood expert move in animal mutilation, traditional clothing had similar shoulder seam butcher.

5. Russian Military Pageant

How do armed forces attract young people to sign up to be part of the military? Russian soldiers beauty pageant answer. This contest is only held once ie in 2005.

Approximately 19 people participated in the event. The women soldiers berlenggak swing on the stage with their military uniforms. There was also a talent show, war and expertise. Still no bikini session.

6. Queen Envelope

Envelope is the queen of Indonesian films released in 1974 with directed by Nawi Ismail. The film stars, among others, by Benjamin S and Ratmi B-29.

Source : merdeka.com

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March 14, 2013

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