
Clash in Makassar, Six People Got Arrow

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Bentrok di Makassar, Enam Orang Kena PanahKOMPAS.com/Hendra Cipto

Two groups of South Sulawesi gubernatorial candidate supporters clashed again on the road I Lagaligo, Makassar, on Thursday (31/01/2013) afternoon. At least six people were injured in contact with the arrow.

Ilham Arief Sirajuddin supporting mass-Aziz Qahhar Mudzakkar (IA) against the supporters of Syahrul Yasin Limpo-Agus Arifin Nu'mang (honey). The clashes occurred after the determination of the winner by the Election Commission in South Sulawesi Governor Hotel Throne.

Based on information obtained Kompas.com, IA incident began when mass centered at Jalan Batu Putih, Makassar, moving about to disperse. However, when crossing the road Lagaligo, suddenly a group of people from the direction of Jalan Haji Bau attack using bows and guns Papporo assemblies.

Mass IA is not received then retaliated by throwing stones. Throwing action was unavoidable. The commotion only stopped when the security forces to the location of the clashes and formed blockades to block mass.

In that incident, the security aspects do the police again questioned. The reason, according to one supporter IA, there is no anticipation prevent mass mobilization of Jalan Haji smell so they attack the mass of IA are going home. In fact, the guard at Jalan Haji Bau very tight.

In addition, the terms of custody, he added, more police guard at Syl Centre Jalan Haji Bau than IA headquarters in Jalan Batu Putih. "Haji Bau (headquarters darling) guarded, while in Batu Putih (HQ IA) is very weak police cordon, what's this? "Irwan said one of the supporters of the IA with exasperation.

Until this news was aired, officers from the army / police are keeping tight scene, both in Stone White and in Haji Bau.


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February 01, 2013

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