
Rare Secrets To Hospital

Posted by Trend on

Massage. Several studies have shown that massage can reduce anxiety levels, lower blood pressure and heart rate. Massage can also relieve stress that ultimately have an impact on improving the immune system.

Note: There is no research that claimed many, but experts say once a month is enough to help.

Cold shower. Research claiming a cold shower helps relieve migraine, blood circulation, maximizing energy and reduce pain.

Note: Bathroom for 10 minutes is enough. Consult your doctor if you experience cardiovascular problems due to cold temperatures can cause spikes in blood pressure.

Make the ginger. For centuries, ginger has been known as a purgative. Researchers believe that compounds in ginger can stimulate digestive secretions, improve intestinal muscle, and helps move food in the digestive tract.

Note: Taking a hint of ginger and put in tea or eaten directly is the best way. But the use of ginger in the form of acceptance, such as cooked, as well as effective.

Wash your hands. Washing hands is mandatory measures fend flu virus invasion and diarrhea.

Note: Wash hands with soap and warm water at least 20 seconds. Rub all parts of your hands, not only palms but also check the nails. Then dry with a dry tissue.

Positive thinking. In a study it was revealed that the people who always think positive can increase activity in the area that eventually scrambled to produce more antibodies.

Note: Changing personality gradually become the best way.

Source : Ghiboo

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March 04, 2013

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